Bratati Dey
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About Me

Bratati Dey (Soul Coach) is a Certified Trainer with 18+ years of experience in soft skills training, corporate training, behavioral coaching, and career counseling. In 2015, Bratati founded Soul Coach Training Institute.

Soul Coach is a Soft Skill Training Institute. It was founded with the vision to empower young professionals of India with skills to excel at work and make India the Skill Capital of the World.

She is an effective communicator with strong relationship management, analytical, and negotiation skills. She has the competency to relate to people at any level of business management.

She has worked on freelancing training projects to -

•Assess the competency grids and identify the training needs of individual professionals as well as groups.

• Execute competency assessment initiatives successfully in alignment with the organizational goals and culture.

• Implement contemporary pedagogy, learning tools, and methodology for accelerated.

• Conduct assessments, including simulation exercises such as role plays and Inbox Simulation.

• Manage the development of the training programs using a combination of case studies, on-the-job learning, stretch assignments, online learning, and mentoring and review training outlines, instructional methodologies, and formats.
